4 Extras All Cornhole Lovers Need
You are probably a self proclaimed member of the cornhole lovers club. You’ve got yourself your very own set of cornhole boards—either by picking out one of our popular ready to go designs from our themed collections or by going through our custom design process to fashion a bespoke cornhole board to your specifications—but now what?
4 Add-on Accessories for Hardcore Cornhole Lovers
A game of cornhole is so much more than just the boards! Here’s our must-have list of Cornhole accessories that you need to live your best cornhole life:
Get Your Regulation Cornhole Bags

If you only buy one cornhole accessory on this list, a bag should be the one. How else do you expect to play cornhole?! When your brand new cornhole boards arrive at your doorstep, all set for your weekend barbeque (or your big day!), don’t get caught trying to improvise with bean bags from your kids’ toy box!
Our cornhole bags are high-quality and made to regulation specs: that’s 6”x6” square and filled with 16 oz of whole kernel feed corn. We also offer all-weather cornhole bags, filled with plastic fillers instead of corn. Since they’re waterproof, they’ll always wash up great, no matter what kind of situation they get into! If you’re looking for something to perfectly match your custom cornhole boards, we offer personalized cornhole bags through a similar process to our custom board design—you can even mention the custom bags when you order your custom board, and we’ll put together something you’ll love for years to come!
Put Your Boards and Bags in a Bag
How will you transport your cornhole game to the park or the tailgate party? And where will you store it when you’re not playing? Obviously the best answer is to just never stop playing cornhole, but if that’s not an option for you, then we recommend a cornhole board carrying case (pictured above). It’s constructed to carry two regulation cornhole boards and multiple sets of bags, and it zips shut tight to keep your game safe from rodents and bugs when it’s in storage. Made of high-quality black canvas, it’s sleek and sexy—like the kind of bag James Bond would have used to store and transport his iconic cornhole game in the classic novel Cornhole Is Forever! (Obligatory IMDb link to the real James Bond movie)
Light Up the Night and Play Cornhole
If you’re planning on keeping your cornhole game going after dark, you’ll need something to help light up the night! Our cornhole lights are ready to mount to the underside of your cornhole boards, providing a nice target and some surrounding light to keep from stumbling on uneven terrain. All you need to make this magic happen is one 9volt battery per light, and your games will never have to be rushed or put on hold because the sun goes down ever again!
Keep Everything Fair with a Scoreboard
Now all you need is something to keep score! Sure, that could be a handy lesson in practical math for any kid who knows how to use a pencil and a notepad, but kids get bored and wander off. Solve that problem with a Cornhole ScoreTower—or get our Cornhole ScoreTower and Drinkholder Combo and never ask someone to hold your beer when it’s your turn again!
There are a lot more cornhole accessories where those came from, but those are our top four favorites. Whether you want to add the essentials on to upgrade your order for a new set of boards or you want to add some excitement to the set you already have, new cornhole accessories have a way of really elevating your game!