How to apply a Cornhole Wrap
How to cut the hole out of Cornhole Decal/Wrap
How to apply graphics to your Cornhole Game Board
Bluetooth Cornhole Lights
Magnet Cornhole Wraps - Changeable
A MUST HAVE…IN YOUR TOOL BOX (* Buy under the Accessories Tab above *)
What tools do I use to apply my cornhole board wraps?
3M Install Tool
NOW Available
$3.25 each with felt
A re-usable sleeve that slips over the PA-1 applicators to protect the film or markings from scratches
*Only available with order
Board Preparation: How do I prepare my cornhole boards before installing a vinyl wrap or decal?
Prepare Surface/Boards For Application – Start with a clean smooth surface. Ex: smooth/sanded wood surface.
Highly Recommended process:
If painting your boards: Be cautious of low voc paints when making a selection. We recommend painting the surface with #1 pick A-100 Sherwin Williams brand exterior acrylic latex paint, #2 pick Exterior Semi Gloss paint (Color Place brand found at Walmart). Let completely dry for 24 hours. You can use the recommended paint in the pictures to the right for the top and sides. Let the paint totally cure/dry before applying a poly clear coat to the top deck. Let cure/dry then apply the wraps and lightly, clean then apply the vinyl wraps or decals.
If leaving your boards natural wood, brush or spray minwax polyurethane on the wood board tops, let cure for 24 hours and then lightly sand with 400 grit sand paper. Wipe the surface clean then you can apply the wrap or decal.
* Minwax Gloss Polycrylic / Water Based Clear are great products for a clear coat.
* If the wraps are non-laminated then poly clear over the top of the wraps after installation is required. We highly suggest using the clear coat products in the pictures to the right. Poly over the wraps is not required for laminated wraps. You can install, trim and play although you can apply poly over laminated wraps if you prefer for added protection but it is not required. Let the poly completely dry before applying a second coat to the surface or you risk damaging the vinyl.
* (If you do not follow the steps and recommendations you may experience curl up, air behind wrap/decal or peeling. If this happens lay the vinyl back down with low heat and place in sun to help the vinyl to adhere again. Moisture can occur during long periods of storage. Softly lay those areas back down.) Board prep with the clear and sanding really helps block future moisture.
INSTALLING DECALS OR WRAP (* Recommended * - Although vinyl is a sturdy product it's recommended to use heat from a blow dryer to go over your wrap or decal a few more times after the initial install. It will help the vinyl adhere to the surface for a longer lasting outcome. Especially in humid or moist conditions. I have found this to be a great help when laying vinyl.)
Now it’s time to apply the decals… How do I install my cornhole board wraps?
– 1. Lean the board against the wall slightly angled. This way your body is centered to the board so you can see if your decal is centered and aligned all the way to the bottom of the board.
– 2. Start by peeling the paper backing off about 1-6 inches.
– 3. Hold the top of the decal at the corners where you peeled the paper backing off.
– 4. Lineup the edges of the decal to the top edges of the board. Once lined up straight and even with the edge of the board then secure the top by pressing down the top 1” of the decal to the board. Then keep peeling the backing 1-6 inches more and repeat smoothing from side to side as you work your way down the board. Take your time smoothing the vinyl out to avoid wrinkling with light pressure. You do not need to push hard.
– 5. Go back over to check for bubbles or areas you missed. Again use light pressure so you don’t stretch the vinyl decal.
– 6. Trim off the extra vinyl around the edges. Then trim out the hole with the blade running along the edge of the board inside of the hole.
– 7. If your wraps are laminated then you’re ready to play. If not then you’ll need to apply the poly over the edges and top of the prints. 2 to 4 coats of poly are recommended by board builders. (Can spray on or brush on, then sand 400 grit smooth)
- 8. Always go back over the wrap or decal with increased pressure. The adhesive that sticks to the boards is pressure sensitive so it's best to go over the wrap or decal again for best future results.
APPLYING POLY CLEAR COAT – Products shown on right are good choices for vinyl
What do use when applying poly clear to your cornhole boards? What poly do I use to clear coat my cornhole board decals?
We recommend the products shown in the pictures to the right. This is a suggested method of how to apply clear coat over your wraps or decals. Use a foam brush to help eliminate lines from a standard brush. Or you can use a spray poly clear coat.
* NEVER apply decals or wraps to a surface that is not totally dry or cured or you risk peel up and damage to the decal or wrap.
Clear Coating Vinyl – Clear coat must be compatible with vinyl graphics. Some clear coats utilize a hot solvent, which can penetrate the applied vinyl and attack the adhesive system. Always make sure that you test the clear coat with the vinyl used. Varnish over graphics is not recommended although people have done it. Some of the sprays are beneficial to those that prefer to not use the brush method.
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